Connelly access program

2023 - 2024 CAP PROGRAM

Visiting the aquarium with your students is a great way to bring education alive and learn more about environmental ecosystems. Let us energize your curriculum by introducing your students to an underwater world filled with animals and adventure.


Admission per student = $15

Price per class = $115

Reserved lunch table (16 students) = $20

Bus parking fee (per bus) = $10

(All trips must be scheduled between September 1st, 2023-February 28, 2024.)

Classes We Offer:

  • Global Habitats and Adaptations
  • Sharks: Truth or Fiction
  • From Endagered to Extinct

To reserve: 

Email or call 800-616-JAWS (5297) 

Mention you are a Connelly school when reserving. Connelly schools must book at least one class in order for their visit to qualify for the Connelly Access Program.

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