Petty's Island
Petty’s Island is a 350-acre island off the shoreline of Camden with a long history of industrial use. The island, surrounded by 150 acres of freshwater tidal marsh, provides breeding, foraging, and resting habitat for an amazing array of wildlife including American Bald Eagles.
For many years, Petty’s Island was home to a CITGO fuel/oil storage operation and other tenants. In 2009, CITGO donated the island to the New Jersey Natural Lands Trust. The goal is to turn the island into an urban nature reserve with an environmental center that will serve local communities as well as the greater New Jersey and Philadelphia areas. Click here to learn more about Petty’s Island and the NJ Natural Lands Trust.
The Center for Aquatic Sciences is now partnering with NJ Natural Lands Trust to provide environmental education programs on Petty’s Island. Under the terms of the conservation easement, public access to Petty’s Island is only permitted as part of a scheduled program. Access to the island is limited to program participants. Some other restrictions apply.
Look for upcoming programs on the Center for Aquatic Sciences Community Event Calendar or contact us here for more information.